10 Best VR Movies you can Watch right now - Top Picks for 2020

Sep 10, 2020

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Virtual reality is a sensation no doubt, it has been this way for gamers since a few years back. An industry adopting VR at an increasingly fast pace is the Movie Industry. Who can tell why? Well Movies are Immersive by them selves, Virtual Reality Movies are extra immersive. I will watch them at all cost, would you?. In this post, we share the top trending Vr movies you can get the best experience from - Just.

I have written a few articles about Vr games and how absolutely exciting they are, but I felt like the fun was not dispersed enough to all yet. Movies are amazing content, you can watch them by yourself, the whole family can see it together, or even in a thether by an whole audience of people. Virtual reality movies is a way of bringing people into the physical environment of the movies themselves. In our story, we share with you top picks of the best VR Movies in 2020:

Top Virtual Reality Movies for 2020

The Line


Pedro and Rosa, two miniature dolls who are perfect for each other, find themselves reluctant to break boundaries to overcome limitations and live out their love story.

Links: Imdb



Alexandro volunteers for an experiment on the study of dreams. He doesn’t know that he will suffer Elsa’s intrusion, an A.I who will feed off his subconscious by digitalizing and dematerializing it.

Links: Imdb

Transformers: Autobots Alliance


The Autobots Alliance was formed on Earth by Optimus Prime and his Autobots to protect the human race from the Decepticons. Through discovery, interactive training and visual education, the Alliance provides humans with the skills and knowledge to recognize the signs of Decepticon infiltration.

Links: Imdb

Gloomy Eyes


When the sun got tired of the humans it decided to hide and never rise again. The darkness awoke the dead from their graves. A zombie kid called Gloomy and a mortal girl called Nena fall in love and immerse in a deep connection.

Links: Imdb

The Limit


As a rogue agent with a mysterious past, you enlist the help of enhanced super-assassin M-13 (Michelle Rodriguez) to retrieve your identity and strike against the deadly organization that created you.

Links: Imdb

That’s it, the best Vr movie titles aorund at the moment. Following through with the links, you can observe that most of the movies are very short experience, this is as a result of motion sickness viewers are likely to have. In gaming, this is not a very big problem as in movie production because a gamer controls his/her movement most of the time and can adapt easily to the scene. In movies though, viewers are guided all the way and too much of this can cause motion sickness in some people. Thanks for reading through, I hope this list simplifies your work in searching for vr experiences to enjoy at this time.